Wednesday, May 21, 2008


OH YEAH BEBEH.. It's the holidays for me now and i'm taking full advantage of it. Been going out like mad. I'm living every moment of it. Kinda. Until i run out of money.. -__-'" .. One of the activities include going home to Terengganu. Damn that was refreshing. Never thought a country life could be so relaxing. Especially when i did NOTHING all day and slack around the old house. The whole purpose of going back was to pay my respects to my grandmother. One day ceremony and the rest of the days, relaxing with family. Pretty awesome.

hmm.. that's all i have to say for now.. can't think of anything useful to say . lol.
I started a new blog btw. It's pretty much done up already. Y'all can read about the stuff that happened throughout the year. Haven't told you guys about it. Sorry about that.
Here it is yihong2288

Oh yeah, when are y'all coming down to Malaysia again? Give me a call k. Take note i'll be taking my industrial training on the 2nd of June onwards yea?

"a curious friend"
Taken during my walks in Terengganu.

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