Thursday, March 6, 2008

Why me and chingy will never fight over girls ...


The time now is 10:30pm and chingy pops online ...asking me to check out our blog ...and hmm..scroll scroll ..ahhhh..Mardi Gras pics. Being the guys that we are we started picking out girls that we thought was hot and, the endless debate began . First some history, chingy's taste as he describes it "not so hot,pretty and innocent" and he says my taste in girls is "hot,not so pretty and naughty" which i beg to differ as chingy would consider any girl who has gone pass 2nd base as naughty ,its normal chingy normal!!( jk dude ). We have never once in our many years of friendship agreed to a single girl which is why i say we never fight over girls(merely debate about whose taste is better ). And we have resided to scrummage the internet for a picture of a malaysian CHINESE girl that best describes our taste and let toby and our very small base of readers decide which side your

ps. we are not perverts

chingys choice.....won xyan.. penang ( something about her big eyes that probably attracts chingy like hentai right ? lol)

My errrrmm...choice...

so....leave comments ..hehe

note : we dont regard women as objects ...

1 comment:

The Eye said...

kevin-of coz my choice will be the 1st one coz she is so pretty..most important is sweet..look at her melts my heart.. :>